Journal of Human Security

Effects of Job Security, Work-Family Conflict, LMX, and Psychological Safety on Job Performance and Safety Voice: Moderating Role of Coercive Pressure

Vimala Venugopal Muthuswamy
Department of Management, College of Business, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia
N. Nithya
Professor, Department of MBA, Sona College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.


The well-being and safety of employees are crucial for optimizing their performance. Identifying and analyzing the factors that contribute to enhancing performance and promoting safety is of utmost importance. This research examined the impact of work-family conflict, LMX, and job security on job performance and safety voice. It also explored how psychological safety and coercive pressure play a role in mediating and moderating these relationships. This study uses a cross-sectional research design. A comprehensive questionnaire was created to collect data from the participants. The research sample was collected from employees in the telecom sector. We had a total of 212 usable questionnaires. The collected responses were analyzed using SPSS. The study's findings revealed that psychological safety has a significant impact on job performance and safety voice. In addition, factors such as work-family conflict, relationships between leadership members, and job security have a significant influence on performance. The study also provides support for the role of psychological safety and the impact of coercive pressure. Scholars can use these findings for their future research.

Keywords: Psychological Safety, Safety Voice, Job Security Perception, Work-family Conflict, Saudi Arabia. ,