Journal of Human Security

The Legislative Impact of Vision 2030 on Multinational Companies in Saudi Arabia.

Ashraf M.A.Elfakharani
Associate professor, Shari’ah and Law College, Taif University.


The effect of Vision 2030 on Multi-National Corporation (MNCs) in Saudi Arabia is examined in this study. Legislative and regulatory changes, strategic changes, and effects on competitiveness and development follow as main areas of attention. Using thematic analysis, the study looks at specific areas where new regulations are motivating MNCs to examine their own internal systems of compliance and operations. The results show that in response to the new regulatory environment, organisations are fundamentally changing their operational strategies. These legislative changes influence investment decisions. Local initiatives and environmentally friendly technology get more funding. Some of the consequences for foreign businesses include maintaining a competitive edge and strategic flexibility while navigating a complex legal framework. The current research has contributed by analysing different sectors and exploring how MNCs across various industries have reacted to the legislative changes. Policymakers can also benefit from this study by identifying sectors where adjustments in regulations, such as cutting on bureaucracy, may improve MNCs’ efficiency and competitiveness, thus promoting better business environment.

Keywords: Vision 2030; Compliance; Legislative; Multi-National Corporation (MNCs); Kingdom of Saudia Arabia (KSA). ,