Journal of Human Security

Exploring The Role of Knowledge, Training and Skill on Employee Productivity Enhancement: Mediating Role of Employee Security

Mohammed A. Al Doghan
Department of Management, College of Business, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia
Ariff Syah Juhari
College of Business Administration, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Employee safety plays a crucial role in the enhancement of employee productivity, which subsequently affects organisational performance. The objective of the current study was to examine the effects of employee safety knowledge, safety training, and employee safety skills on employee security. Additionally, the study explored the mediating role of employee security between employee safety knowledge, safety training, employee safety skills, and employee productivity. Furthermore, it investigated the moderating role of security awareness in the relationship between employee security and productivity. A cross-sectional research design employed for data collection. The target population comprised employees of petrochemical firms based in Saudi Arabia. Data gathered using a questionnaire developed from previous studies and analysed using SPSS. The study's results revealed that employee safety knowledge, safety training, and safety skills significantly affect employee security. Moreover, employee security found to have a positive and significant impact on productivity. Employee security also significantly mediates the relationship between the independent variables and productivity. Additionally, the moderating effect of security awareness on the relationship between employee security and productivity was significant. The study suggests that managers aiming to enhance employee productivity should focus on safety training, safety knowledge, safety skills, and employee safety awareness. Furthermore, the findings provide a roadmap for policymakers in Saudi Arabia to develop strategies for improving employee safety, which in turn could increase productivity.

Keywords: Employee Safety Training, Employee Safety Knowledge, Employee Safety Skill, Employee Security, Employee Safety Awareness. ,